LG Electronics (LG) announced its newest LG gram laptop featuring the Intel® Core™ Ultra processor (Series 2) will be showcased at the Intel Core Ultra Global Launch Event from September 3-8. Renowned for its powerful performance and ultra-lightweight design, the LG gram series now integrates advanced AI capabilities powered by the latest Intel® Core™ Ultra processor. The LG gram 16 Pro, the first model to feature these new Intel processors, will be unveiled before its release at the end of 2024.
As the first on-device AI laptop from the LG gram series, it offers up to an impressive 48 neural processing unit (NPU) tera operations per second (TOPS), setting a new standard for AI PCs and providing the exceptional performance required for Copilot experiences.* Powered by the latest Intel® Core™ Ultra processor, the LG gram 16 Pro is now more efficient thanks to advanced AI functionalities such as productivity assistants, text and image creation and collaboration tools. What’s more, its extended battery life helps users handle tasks without worry.
The Intel® Core™ Ultra processor (Series 2) AI processor, which is three times more powerful than its predecessor, enhances a PC’s AI performance dramatically. With up to 48 NPU TOPS and up to 67 GPU TOPS, this next-gen processor offers up to 120 total platform TOPS to unlock new levels of productivity while maximizing user convenience. The new LG gram offers a smoother user experience, since the Intel® Core™ Ultra processor is optimized for Windows PCs.
In line with the company’s AI vision of “Affectionate Intelligence,” an approach that seeks to understand customer needs and deliver differentiated experiences that go beyond traditional AI, LG plans to add more AI processor models to its gram lineup following the introduction of the LG gram 16 Pro with Intel® Core™ Ultra processors (Series 2).